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Allergy & Dermatology testing for Pets

Our veterinarians in Texas are experienced in treating conditions affecting the skin, coat, ears, eyes, and feet. Commonly, dermatological conditions can make the animal suffering from them uncomfortable, irritated, and generally unhappy for long periods of time without treatment. We understand that when a pet is ill, it can affect the whole family. And unfortunately, many dermatological conditions are chronic or require long-term treatment; therefore, having a comfortable and communicative relationship with your veterinarian is key.

To provide relief for suffering pets, we must first diagnose the cause of the irritation using a physical examination, biopsies, information provided by the owner, blood tests, allergy tests, or a combination of these. Our in-house laboratory can help us provide accurate and fast results to begin the treatment process as soon as possible once diagnosed.

If you are unsure if your pet is dealing with a skin condition, look for these potential signs. A cluster of several signs, or one sign performed to an extreme, may indicate that it is time to seek veterinary help:

  • Regular itching or scratching
  • Biting the skin
  • Licking the skin, particularly the paws
  • Red and watery eyes
  • Unusual aggression or irritability
  • Increased vocalization, particularly whining
  • Hiding from human attention
  • Seeking more human attention than usual

Allergies are one of the most common dermatological conditions pets face. To determine if your pet is suffering from an allergy, an allergy test, which entails shaving an area of the body and exposing the skin to small amounts of allergens to determine their effect, may help us understand the condition. Depending on the severity and type of allergy, different options will be available for treatment, such as injections or medications.

In the warm and arid climate of Northern Texas, allergies to pollen or grasses can be brutal. Helping your pet to cope with allergies will be an ongoing process, but it will save them from potentially years of discomfort.

Highlands-Eldorado Veterinary Hospital

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